Wellness Walk 22 November 2020 – Registrations Open Now!
Event | Posted on 1st Sep 2020
The eighth annual Wellness Walk will go ahead in 2020 raising much-needed community awareness around severe mental health and suicide prevention.
In light of the Australian Government’s guidelines around mass gathering events, One Door Mental Health has decided to adapt the way we will host our Wellness Walk in 2020.
This year, the event will run via a virtual experience and a series of smaller community-based events.
On Sunday 22nd November 2020, we are challenging over 1,500 participants to walk or run 2km or 6km – anytime, anywhere around their local communities.
Each day in Australia, 6 men and 2 women will take their own lives.
The Wellness Walk is a family-friendly event to raise awareness of severe and complex mental illness and promotes walking as a way to improve mental wellbeing. The act of walking is an opportunity to reflect that recovery is a step-by-step, one-step-at-a-time experience.
This annual fixture in the NSW events calendar embraces diversity and boasts a strong sense of community so that together we can make a difference.
Visit the Wellness Walk website for more information or Register here.
This event is hosted by One Door Mental Health, a not-for-profit mental health service provider for those living with mental illness, their families and carers.