Schizophrenia Patient Value Mapping Study
News | Posted on 14th Oct 2020
One Door Mental Health have partnered with SANE and CaPPRe, an independent research organisation, to conduct research with people who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia for over 12 months.
The survey is interested in people’s preferences for long-term recovery goals and value of treatment for schizophrenia.
The research invites people that are eligible to participate in a 25-30 min online survey. Participation is valuable in exploring the issues facing people with a lived experience of schizophrenia.
How to participate:
If you are interested in contributing to this research, you can test your eligibility here:
or for more information, you can contact Karen Winkler at
The information will help improve the understanding of what is important in the care and treatment of schizophrenia. The research is sponsored by a pharmaceutical company and participants will receive compensation for their time and contribution to the research.