
Physical and Mental Health

This workshop builds understanding about the relationship between physical and mental health. Learn how improving physical health can have a positive impact on your mental health. This program will include practical advice about the benefits of exercise and good nutrition to support you to make healthy lifestyle changes.

Understanding Depression

What is depression? This program builds understanding of depression and how it impacts on individuals, their carers and families. The program also explores recovery, coping strategies and self-management techniques. By the end of this workshop, students will have learned to: Explain how serious and common depression is Identify the signs and symptoms of depression Explain […]


Self-care is becoming one of the most important ways that people can manage their mental health. Recovery depends on all the people involved – people living with mental health issues, workers, and carers, family and friends – being as strong and resilient as possible.  When there are lots of demands and stressors, it is very […]

Understanding Personality Disorder

This workshop is an introduction to understanding personality disorder. It looks at the prevalence of personality disorder, and helps students to understand what it is like for a person to live with a personality disorder. Supports and treatments will be discussed along with key principles of self-care and self-management strategies. By the end of this […]

Understanding Trauma

This course will provide an understanding of how trauma can be triggered during stressful events. Dr Bruce Perry’s ‘Three R’s: Regulate, Relate and Reason’ provides a framework for service users and service providers that uses calm connection as a means to improve the experience of service access and a foundation for effective collaborative problem solving.


Most of us often feel overloaded, stressed and feel under pressure. It is very easy to get into a spiral and be stuck in our usual automatic reactions (even if they’re not helpful). Mindfulness is an integrative, mind-body based approach that helps people to manage their thoughts and feelings and mental health. Many people find […]

3-Part Wellbeing Essentials Workshop Series

We’re pleased to announce a three-part series of free workshops aimed at fostering personal health and wellbeing for everyone in the Western Sydney community! While each workshop is tailored to provide valuable learning and insights independently, enrolling in all three workshops will provide additional benefits as they complement and build upon each other. Physical and […]

معرفة كيفية عمل نظام الصحة النفسية (Navigating the Mental Health System, Arabic)

It can often be a difficult process to start a recovery journey when there are so many services out there to choose from. This program has been designed to assist people in navigating the mental health system in Western Sydney and to unpack what sorts of support different services can offer and when, how, and […]