Certificate IV in Mental Health Part-Qualification – Expression of interest

The Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC) is the peak body for community Mental Health Services in NSW and a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 91296).

MHCC is partnering with the Western Sydney Recovery College to apply for funding to deliver free training in Western Sydney.

The training covers 3 units of competency in the Certificate IV in Mental Health:

  • CHCMHS007 Work Effectively in Trauma Informed Care
  • CHCCCS003 Increase the safety of individuals at risk of suicide
  • HLTWHS006 Manage personal stressors in the work environment

If you are interested in training in Western Sydney please complete the link to the survey monkey below, please note your details will be provided to Smart and Skilled as part of the submission for funding.


Any queries please contact the Western Sydney Recovery College: wsydrecoverycollege@onedoor.org.au

Please note that Smart and Skilled funding is for training and assessment only. Travel, accommodation and meal expenses must be met by the organisation or participant.

Note: Survey / Expression of Interest Closed Sunday 3 February 2019.