Australians Sharing a New Story, Blacktown, 3-5 May 2019

You are invited to a community story-sharing weekend. Everyone’s story matters. Your story matters.

Save the Date ASANS  |  One-pager concept note

A weekend forum in the City of Blacktown, 3-5 May 2019, on the theme: Australians sharing a new story

All of Blacktown’s diverse residents are invited to a series of events at Bowman Hall and other venues over the weekend of 3-5 May 2019 to start a process of story-sharing focussing on two questions: What is the connection you and your family have with the Blacktown area? Is there one significant experience you would like to share that has made a particular impact on who you are?

Together we can discover who we really are, and can be, as a three-story nation:

  • our ancient Indigenous living heritage
  • British institutions and democratic traditions
  • and a rich cultural mix of people from all over the world.

Through hearing each others’ stories of struggle and achievement, and breaking through any barriers that divide us, we can find a new story of our shared humanity.