This workshop builds understanding of the skills of communication and why being able to speak up clearly about what you need and what is important to you matters. Communicating well is a life skill that can assist with recovery and is an empowerment tool. This workshop includes practical skills and exercises to develop your communication skills and how to use them effectively.
By the end of the workshop, students will be able to:
- Describe different methods of communication
- Explain the differences between passive, aggressive and assertive behaviour and communication styles
- Use ‘I’ messages to communicate what is important to you to empower your recovery
- Choose to say ‘no’ more effectively
- Apply assertiveness skills in everyday life to improve relationships
This workshop will be offered in Arabic, delivered by two bilingual educators, during Term 1 2025.
See our FAQs for how online workshops are being delivered.
Important! Before you enrol: We are required to provide our services to people who live/work/study or provide services in the Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) area. If you are not sure whether you are eligible, please check Who can attend recovery college. If your address is outside of WSLHD area but you study or provide services within the Western Sydney LHD, please ensure you respond to the relevant question on the enrolment form to explain your connection to the area.