One Door and Western Sydney Recovery College
News | Posted on 28th May 2017
One Door Mental Health is delighted to announce that it is delivering the Western Sydney Recovery College service and programs from 1 July 2017. We will be offering an expanded range of courses in a four locations across western Sydney. One of our new programs is the Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work which will commence in October 2017. Mental Health Co-ordinating Council is our RTO who will deliver this program. Individuals interested in this course are encouraged to attend a “Get Qualified” information session prior to enrolling. Western Sydney Recovery College is an initiative of the Western Sydney PHN, Wentwest. All courses are co-designed and co-delivered by educators with lived experience and educators with clinical or professional experience to give a shared voice and understanding of mental health. All courses are open to people with lived experience of a mental health condition, their carers, family members and to workers and volunteers in the mental health and community sectors.