Reminder invitation to participate in research – Helping people improve their health & live longer!
News | Posted on 18th Feb 2021
Researchers from the University of Newcastle are investigating the role that Community Managed Organisations (CMOs) play in improving the physical health of consumers with a lived experience of a mental health issue. As someone who accesses support from One Door we are interested in hearing about your experiences with the service, particularly around any care provided for your physical health.
Researchers would like to talk to people with mental health concerns to find out what would help them the most to improve their general physical health.
Eligibility requirements
People who have accessed services from One Door in the past 6 months are eligible to participate. You must be at least 18 years of age, speak and understand English, identify as having a lived experience of a mental health issue, and have a telephone number we can contact you on, to participate.
Check out the flyer here: CMO Connect One Door flyer 12NOV2020
If you think you are interested and eligible, read the Participant Information Statement
Contact details for the researchers are available on the above documents.