Out and About During Mental Health Month
News | Posted on 7th Nov 2017
We have been out and about spreading the word about Western Sydney Recovery College during October – which also happened to be Mental Health Month.
Julie Miller, Recovery College Manager, attended an Open Day for consumers and carers at Cumberland Hospital Campus on 16 October. It was great to spend time with the staff from Peer Services and explore ideas for workshops we can deliver in the Education Centre. Speaking to people on the day highlighted the need to make Recovery College accessible for consumers and staff on campus.
Elizabeth Greaves, one of our educators, accompanied Julie to deliver Introduction to Recovery College at Headspace. The session was conversational, relaxed, and eye-opening for the attendees. We are looking forward to delivering more sessions for Headspace in the future.
On Tuesday 31 October Elizabeth also delivered a lecture to the Occupational Therapy students at Sydney University. Third year students in a lecture theatre may have proved a difficult audience to engage, however, Elizabeth took the opportunity to ask the students to put away their laptops and participate in an informal discussion. The students became more engaged and conversational due to this clever strategy! As a result the organisers are looking forward to Elizabeth delivering more guest lectures for Sydney University on behalf of Recovery College.