How to Search Workshops & Programs by Stream

Did you know you can search the workshops and programs on the WSRC website by stream?

What are streams?

A ‘stream’ is a broad topic that workshops are organised into. The workshops are organised logically into a stream and the streams give an option for you to focus on certain learning goals.

WSRC have sorted workshops into four streams:

  • What is Mental Health? – focuses on mental health conditions, information about recovery and the mental health system.
  • Skills for Life – is about building skills to assist in your everyday life and in times of stress.
  • Health & Wellbeing – informs and provides practical tools to improve overall health and wellbeing, which can have a positive impact on your mental health recovery.
  • Recognised Programs – are workshops where certification may be obtained and CPD points claimed for mental health/community sector workers.

The streams are colour-coded for ease of identifying which workshops fit into which stream. What is Mental Health? is purple, Skills for Life is light blue, Health & Wellbeing is dark blue and Recognised Programs is yellow.

How to search by stream

You can search the workshops available in the streams on the Workshops & Programs page. Here’s how:

  1. In the box labelled ‘Search Workshops & Programs’, select the ‘Choose stream’ option.
  2. A drop-down list will appear.
  3. Select the stream you want to search, for example, ‘What is Mental Health?’.
  4. Click the ‘Search’ button.
  5. Scroll down the page to view the list of workshops.
  6. To remove the search filter, click ‘Clear search’.

Similarly, you can use the other options in the search box at the top of the screen to search by location and month.

Need help finding information? Can’t find the workshop you’re after? Please call on 02 9199 6195 (and leave a message if we’re not available), email or use the contact form to get in touch.