From Self-Advocacy to Learning Presentation Skills in Term 2

This term, the Skills for Life stream features an advocacy journey. Learn about what self-advocacy is, practice self-advocacy skills, learn about how you can become a peer advocate and develop presentation skills to take your mental health advocacy to the next level.

So what is self-advocacy? It is a concept that is difficult to sum up in a few words, but a simple definition is that it is about being able to speak up for yourself and what you need, and developing skills to support this action. It is more than self-confidence and assertiveness, although these are part of it too.

In a mental health setting, this can be a very important skill to have and feel confident about. The two self-advocacy workshops allow you to build an in-depth understanding of what the concept means and how you can practise it in your day-to-day life.

After learning about advocating for yourself as an individual, you might also be interested in learning about how you can become more active in your community and Being a Peer Advocate.

The final step in this advocacy journey is Presentation Skills Training. If you are a consumer or carer and your next step in advocating for yourself and your community is talking in public or making presentations to committees or organisations, this course will help you develop skills to do this.

Everyone’s mental health recovery journey is different. The Skills for Life stream this term provides one example of taking what you have learnt on a personal level and using this to give back to the community.