
Understanding Anxiety

What is anxiety? Anxiety is a common mental health condition characterised by excessive worry, fear, and nervousness about future events or situations. It often includes physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, sweating, and muscle tension. While some level of anxiety is normal, anxiety disorders involve persistent and overwhelming feelings of apprehension that interfere with daily life. […]

Navigating the Mental Health System

It can often be a difficult process to start a recovery journey when there are so many services out there to choose from. This program has been designed to assist people in navigating the mental health system in Western Sydney and to unpack what sorts of support different services can offer and when, how, and […]

Conversations about Change

All of us have things we’d like to change about ourselves; and nearly all of us have someone we know who we think needs to change. Talking about this is hard. We don’t want to be nagged and we don’t want to be a nag – but we know that we need to have the […]

Understanding Bipolar

People who experience bipolar disorder may have extreme mood swings which can range from highly energised, impulsive euphoria (sometimes to the point of having delusions and hallucinations) to extreme depression and to remission in a mostly unpredictable pattern. This can be frightening and difficult to live with or deal with. The Understanding Bipolar workshop builds […]

Understanding Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia, like many mental health conditions, is often misunderstood, stigmatised, and portrayed in popular culture in negative ways. This workshop aims to help people living with schizophrenia and their families, friends and carers to better understand what a diagnosis of schizophrenia means, how to manage it and how to support recovery.